If You Have Auxiliary Officers, You Must Comply With This New Law

Each county, municipal corporation, township, township police district, and joint police district with a police or sheriff’s department that employs volunteer peace officers, must comply with newly created R.C. Chapter 143, and quickly. The General Assembly recently established the Volunteer …

Employee Wellness Programs

*Adapted from Columbus Bar Association, Employment Law Committee Meeting and United States Employee wellness programs can provide obvious and not so obvious benefits to employers. First, healthy employees equal a more productive and consistent workforce and monetary incentives provided for …

May a Child Call a Step-Mom “Mom”?

According to a New Jersey Court, the answer is yes, a step-mom may be called “Mom” by his/her step-child. While this conclusion seems surprising at first, the Court’s focus on what is in the child’s best interest, versus the parents’ best interest is persuasive.  In …

Your Mandatory Rental Inspection Code is Unconstitutional

Last month, the United States District Court in Cincinnati held the Portsmouth Rental Dwelling Code (RDC) violated the Fourth Amendment insofar as it authorized warrantless administrative inspections. Facing an aging, dilapidated housing stock that was turning into rental properties, the …

Trial Means Trial…Car Troubles or Not…

In a recent decision from the Ohio Fifth District Court of Appeals, a hard lesson was learned by a party…trial means trial. In this case, the Wife and her counsel did not appear for trial because the Wife’s counsel had …

BODY CAMERAS: Do their pictures mean a thousand words?

We’ve all seen news stories involving police shootings. Sometimes those stories feature video taken by spectators, security cameras, or the cameras built into the dashboards of police cars. But, in the future, most video of police encounters will come from …

New Franklin County Parenting Coordination Rule!

Effective September 15, 2015, the Franklin County Common Pleas Domestic Relations Division and Juvenile Branch adopted Parenting Coordination Rules.  As the Rules explain, parenting coordination is “a child-focused dispute resolution process ordered by the Court to assist parties in implementing …

Your Mobile Phone Easily Records Conversations…But Is Recording Legal?

Ohio is a “one party” consent state when it comes to recording a “wire, oral or electronic communication.” R.C. 2933.52(B)(4). That means if YOU are a party to the communication/conversation, you can record it without telling the other person you are recording. …

Armed (but not necessarily) Dangerous

On a mid-summer evening, a 911 call in Toledo reports “a guy walking down the street” with his dog “carrying a gun out in the open.”   Upon further inquiry from the dispatcher, it was determined to be a handgun, not …

Representing Yourself? Pay Very Close Attention to Deadlines!

In a recent decision by the Tenth District (Franklin County) Court of Appeals, a party to a divorce action who was representing herself in a post-decree matter lost because she didn’t heed the Court’s deadlines.  First, she didn’t timely file …