“Spotlight: John Jolley,” Columbus Business First

In an article published in the June 2, 2017 print edition of Columbus Business First, John Jolley is profiled and discusses his legal practice as well as a few fun facts his clients and peers may not know about him. When …

Positive Changes to Ohio Custodial Accounts for Minors

Many families establish custodial accounts at a bank or a broker for the benefit of the minor child or grandchild. A donor may make a lifetime transfer to a custodial account.  A testator under a will or settlor under a …

IC-DISC: A Tax incentive for U.S. Exporters

One of the few tax incentives still available to manufacturers, assemblers and distributors of goods that are produced in the United States and exported for sale is the interest charge domestic international sales corporation (IC-DISC). An IC-DISC can be used …

Those Emails, Texts, and Tweets Qualify As a Public Meeting

For years, I have been advising municipal clients to avoid email and text messages.  Not because I am anti-technology (I could not live without my iPhone), but because of its implication of Ohio’s Open Meetings Act.  And last week, the …

If You Have Auxiliary Officers, You Must Comply With This New Law

Each county, municipal corporation, township, township police district, and joint police district with a police or sheriff’s department that employs volunteer peace officers, must comply with newly created R.C. Chapter 143, and quickly. The General Assembly recently established the Volunteer …