Isaac Wiles Eyes Potential Post-Election Changes

A new administration often means new policies. Although Donald Trump’s victory is fresh and much more will become known between now and his January inauguration, our attorneys are monitoring laws and regulations closely for how they might impact our clients. …

Avoid Playing the Defamation Card in Divorce

Divorce and domestic relations cases are increasingly influenced by pop culture and social media trends. Since the high-profile Depp-Heard defamation case, there has been a rise in clients claiming defamation by their ex-partners, particularly when faced with aggressive legal filings …

Imputing Income to Determine Support Obligations

Although it is certainly not the only factor, the most important consideration that goes into calculating child support and spousal support obligations is the parties’ income. But did you know the courts have special power over this as well? Although …

Corporate Transparency Act: Will it Stay or Will it Go?

More than 30 million entities are expected to fall within the purview of the Corporate Transparency Act, which went into effect on January 1 of this year. Whether CTA stays or is ruled unconstitutional, don’t leave it to the last …

COVID-19: Updated Court Procedures

As we continue to learn new information and gather new data with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic, the court systems in Central Ohio have slowly adjusted their procedures to adapt to the ever-changing circumstances. Here is how a couple of the …

tipped employees ppp

Navigating the Complexities around Tipped Employee Wages and PPP Loan Impact

Article written in collaboration with Dustin Minton, GBQ Partners There has been much discussion and questions concerning how businesses that received a Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) loan should compensate tipped employees. The Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) and state law establish …

Has the Secure Act Created Financial Insecurity in Your Life?

e a presentation to a group of CPAs, attorneys, and financial professionals on the use of trusts as beneficiaries of retirement plans. I spent about an hour explaining the complicated rules for timing distributions and the identification of beneficiaries, of …

Employee Wellness Programs

*Adapted from Columbus Bar Association, Employment Law Committee Meeting and United States Employee wellness programs can provide obvious and not so obvious benefits to employers. First, healthy employees equal a more productive and consistent workforce and monetary incentives provided for …